X-Ray Mammogram in Chennai

An X-ray mammogram is a specific type of X-ray used to examine the breasts for abnormalities, primarily to detect breast cancer at an early stage. Here’s a breakdown of the procedure and its uses:


  1. Preparation: You’ll be asked to remove clothing and jewelry from your upper body. You may wear a gown provided by the facility.
  2. Compression: Each breast is placed on a platform and gently compressed between two plates to spread the tissue evenly and improve image quality. This can feel uncomfortable but is crucial for clear images.
  3. X-ray Imaging: Two X-ray images are taken of each breast: one from the top down and one from the side. You may need to hold your breath briefly during each image.
  4. Additional Views: Depending on the findings, additional images from different angles or with magnification may be needed.


  1. Screening Mammograms: These are routinely done for women without symptoms to detect potential cancer early, typically starting around age 40 or earlier for high-risk individuals.
  2. Diagnostic Mammograms: These are conducted when a lump, pain, nipple discharge, or other breast changes are present to investigate the cause and guide further management.
  3. Evaluation after Breast Cancer Treatment: These are used to monitor for cancer recurrence or assess the response to treatment.


  • Can detect breast cancer earlier when treatment is most effective, increasing survival rates.
  • Helps differentiate between cancerous and benign tumors, avoiding unnecessary biopsies.
  • Provides valuable information for treatment planning and monitoring.


  • Mammograms involve low-dose radiation, but there is a small potential for increased cancer risk with repeated exposure, especially at a young age.
  • The compression can be uncomfortable, and some women experience temporary soreness afterward.
  • False positives, requiring further investigations, can occur.

It’s important to note that while mammography is a valuable tool for breast cancer screening and diagnosis, it may not detect all breast cancers, especially in women with dense breast tissue. In some cases, additional imaging modalities like ultrasound or MRI may be recommended for further evaluation. Women should discuss their individual risk factors and screening recommendations with their healthcare provider. Regular breast cancer screening is crucial for early detection and improved outcomes.

For a doing painless  X-Ray Mammogram in Chennai, consider Madras Scans & Labs as your go-to destination. It is the most trusted Scan center in Chennai with its exceptional and secure diagnostic services at an affordable pricing system.

Give us a quick call at 9514400800 or visit us at https://www.madrasscan.in  to know more about other scans and  our attractive price package.

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